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Today I’ve released Inline Tweet Sharer 1.4.5.

This plugin update fits a bunch of minor issues, so it isn’t an essential update, but you should update particularly if you are using Inline Tweet Sharer in a developmental environment, as these changes only affect users who use Inline Tweet Sharer with WP Debug mode switched on. However for the average user there isn’t a reason to upgrade, as this update cleans a bunch of code.

Changes in Inline Tweet Sharer 1.4.5

  • Fixed WP_DEBUG notices in the back end – calling has_cap with a proper capability, rather than by user level.
  • Fixed WP_DEBUG notices in the front end – calling the script enqueuing in the correct place, rather than at init.
  • Called admin_enqueue_scripts to enqueue the scripts, rather than using admin_init.
  • Added blank variables for Prefix/Suffix/Tweeter to stop the “Underfined Variable” notice in WP_DEBUG.

To download version 1.4.5, please click the button below.

Download Inline Tweet Sharer 1.4.5

Finally, the project is on Github. You can find it on Github here. You can see the current issues (and a possible roadmap) here.

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