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Hello everybody. Today I’m delighted to announce the release of WP Taxi Me 2.0!

This version, in both it’s free & premium incarnation, has been rewritten to make use of the latest Uber API’s, so ordering taxis just became a lot easier. We’ve also introduced a requested feature to the premium version as well.

Coordinates in Shortcodes (Premium Only)

You can now add coordinates to shortcodes should you wish. Coordinates can be added using lat & long attributes in the shortcode. This will overwrite any address you provide, but will use the name of the business so give that as well.

Proper PHP Names

Over the course of development of this plugin, I’ve noticed more and more people have integrated their themes with my plugin. This is such an honour, so I’ve created proper PHP functions to handle each request.

  • wptaxime_taxi_button_shortcode – Free only – display the “Book a Taxi” button.
  • wptaxime_premium_shortcode – Premium only – displays the “Book a Taxi” button, if you wish to book a taxi to an address.
  • wptaxime_premium_shortcode_coords – Premium only – displays the “Book a Taxi” button, if you wish to book a taxi to a set of coordinates.

More examples are shared in the documentation.

The Future of WP Taxi Me

I’ve got a few ideas on how to improve it, any many users of WP Taxi Me have suggested some great ideas. If you have any ideas, then be sure to share them with us. Please contact us. We’d be delighted to hear them!

You can download the free version of WP Taxi Me here.

Download WP Taxi Me

The premium version is where the bug was, and it’s now been fixed even if the options aren’t set up. Those with a valid licence can upgrade for free. If you don’t have a valid licence you can upgrade for £15 here.

Billed yearly until cancelled


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