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Rhys Wynne

Rhys Wynne is the senior editor at Winwar Media's blog, with over 8 years experience in blogging, and enjoys creating WordPress plugins. You can follow Rhys on Twitter.

Posts by Rhys Wynne:

How To Get a WordPress Page Permalink By ID

When building themes, you occasionally need to be in a situation where you link to something within your theme that is a page or a post within your site. Ideally you want to avoid it if you can, using WordPress’ ability to position things correctly using menus, or widgets, or something within the database. However…

eBay Feeds for WordPress Premium 2.4 Released!

Today I’m delighted to announce the release of eBay Feeds for WordPress Premium 2.4! This version fixes a few mobile issues with the premium version, but it’s a major version as it could affect the way in which you style your site. Simple Mobile Stylings I’ve added the ability within the options panel to toggle…

Can you Have Multiple Templates For A Custom Post Type?

A question recently came up on a project we were on which was “Can we have multiple templates for the same custom post type?”. This post type was fairly similar to pages and in order to maintain URL structure and not screw about with permalinks having something like that would have been incredibly useful. Turns…

WP Taxi Me 2.4 Released

Today I’m delighted to announce the release of WP Taxi Me Free 2.4 & WP Taxi Me Premium 2.4! This version improves a feature in the free version, and expands on Lyft integration in the premium version. Improved Debug Mode I’ve improved the debug mode in the free version. The debug version now returns a comment on the…

Inline Tweet Sharer 2.3 Released!

I’m happy, to announce that Inline Tweet Sharer 2.3 has been released! This version doesn’t add a feature, but rather improves the integration with bit.ly. Bit.ly is a link shortener software that would allow you to add your own tracking links automatically within Inline Tweet Sharer. In order to change, we’ve had to refactor some…

eBay Feeds for WordPress 2.3 Released!

Hello! And Happy New Year! Today I’m happy to announce the update to eBay Feeds for WordPress 2.3 for both eBay Feeds for WordPress & eBay Feeds for WordPress Premium! Smart Links This version adds a brand new feature – Smart Links. You can read all about Smart Links in their announcement blog post, but…

State of the Winwar in 2018

So, as per usual in December I’m doing a recap of the year. Well…quite a year for the company behind Winwar Media, if not necessarily for the site. It’s been much of the muchness for my main sites whilst I’ve been growing a side site. But I feel like it’s been a good year, with…

eBay Feeds for WordPress 2.2 Released

Today I’m happy to announce the release of eBay Feeds for WordPress and eBay Feeds for WordPress Premium version 2.2! This is a bug fix that fixes a few bugs in both of free & premium versions. Order Feed By Values, Not By Date So, a bug was discovered that no matter what the feed was arranged by…