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Rhys Wynne

Rhys Wynne is the senior editor at Winwar Media's blog, with over 8 years experience in blogging, and enjoys creating WordPress plugins. You can follow Rhys on Twitter.

Posts by Rhys Wynne:

Winwar Media’s WordPress Plugin Black Friday Deal 2018

So, it’s Black Friday for another year! I’m not going to lie, I’m on the look out for a Nintendo Switch for the event. No doubt you are well set for deals, but if you are curious, here are the deals we’re offering. Winwar Media’s WordPress Plugin Black Friday Deal 2018 Our WordPress Plugin Black…

Three Things Learned at WordCamp Manchester 2018

So a few weeks ago I attended WordCamp Manchester in the MMU Business School. I was fortunate I was asked to speak (you can read my talk notes here), and overall it was a great conference. I had a blast at the event, reconnecting with the WordPress community once again after seemingly an age. It…

How to Remove Related Products in WooCommerce

By default, WooCommerce often shows related products beneath each product on a single page, you can see it using my child theme of choice: Understrap. This is the default option within WooCommerce, and there’s no easy way to turn off this unfortunately. It does seem to be present on all sites. It’s probably with good…

eBay Feeds for WordPress 2.0 & Premium Launched!

I’m happy to announce the release of eBay Feeds for WordPress version 2.0, and eBay Feeds for WordPress Premium! This is a big release, so giving it the due care & attention that it needs. As loads have been added to this plugin. The Big One – eBay Feeds for WordPress Premium This version of eBay…

How To Set Up eBay Feeds for WordPress

One plugin of mine that seems to be popular is eBay Feeds for WordPress. It’s a plugin that will allow you quickly and easily to embed eBay listings on your site. It works well and I’ve had a lot of great feedback, but it can be a bit tricky to set up. In this post I’ll…

Hello! Dwi’n Rhys!

So, a small announcement I’ve been teasing recently. I’ve decided to go freelance! My freelance head – Dwi’n Rhys – has a site that you can use should you need WordPress development done. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long period of time, you can read about why I decided to do so…

Three Things Learned at WordCamp Brighton 2018

Over the weekend I attended WordCamp Brighton which was in the Claredon Centre in the city. I’ve been to many conferences in Brighton but this was my first WordCamp in the city. Overall, I found it one of the most productive, useful conferences for me to attend, and probably up in my favourite WordCamps ever.…

Using Gravity Forms & Custom Post Types Together

Ah Gravity Forms. Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Probably not. But I’m a huge fan of the plugin that gives so much power in building forms. I’ve used it for so much in my time in WordPress, that right now I’m confident if I need anything from a booking form to a…

Google Maps Price Increase: Solutions for Map Plugins

Here’s a weird one, I was approached by Robert Harm – maker of Maps Marker Pro (you can read my Maps Marker Pro Review here) regarding the new Google Maps Changes. I thought it could be interesting for users of various WordPress plugins, so I’ve modified his post slightly to take a look at these…

WP Taxi Me 2.3 Released

Today I’m delighted to announce the release of WP Taxi Me 2.3 for both the Free & Premium Releases! This release is an important release, and it only affects the Free version – as we’ve changed our API we used for Geolocation, from Google Maps to Mapbox. What’s Changed? Well, Google Maps has started charging. You…